参考了『君之』的手工烘焙坊, 自己学着做了一些。
Monday, May 12, 2014
Friday, May 09, 2014
骑士咖啡厅 (Riders Cafe)
老公经常和朋友到毗邻的Champions Golf Course 打高而夫球,每每听说这里有一间环境非常棒的咖啡厅。 就在上个月的一个周日,我们也来了这里打球,顺道觅食。骑士咖啡厅(Riders Cafe)就坐落在武吉知马的中心,这里提供了新加坡最独特的用餐体验。位于武吉知马骑马俱乐部内,在这儿你不仅可以品尝到美味的食物,还有机会看见小马儿在窗外轻盈的跑着,很令人期待吧!
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骑士咖啡厅(Riders Cafe) 环境非常清幽。 |
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Riders Cafe
51 Fairways Drive, Singapore 286965
Tel: +65 6466 9819
开放时间:星期日,星期三到星期四:8am - 9pm | 星期五到星期六:8am - 10pm
牛油面包 Dinner Roll
材料 Ingredients:
4 cups of All Purpose Flour,4杯中筋面粉
¼ oz Package of Rapid Rise Yeast, ¼安士包装酵母1/3 cup of Granulated Sugar,1/3杯砂糖1 tsp of Salt ,1茶匙盐1 cup of Milk, slightly warm,1杯微温牛奶
1/3 cup of Unsalted Butter, Softened ,1/3杯软化的无盐牛油
3 Egg Yolks,3个蛋黄3 Tbsp of Unsalted Butter, melted,3汤匙融化无盐牛油
1) In a small saucepan, add the milk and butter and warm it just enough until the butter melts (use a candy thermometer to make sure the mixture reaches 120 Fahrenheit degrees.) 在一个小锅里,加入牛奶和牛油,温度刚好够把牛油融化即可(使用糖果温度计,以确保混合物达到120华氏温度)。
2) In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a dough hook, add the warm butter and milk mixture and sprinkle the yeast over the top. Let it sit for 5 minutes. 在装有面团钩的站立搅拌机,倒入温热的混合牛奶和牛油。撒上酵母在上面,大概等5分钟。
3) To the yeast mixture, add the flour, sugar, egg yolks and salt and mix with the speed on low just until the flour is incorporated. 加入面粉,糖,蛋黄和盐,并与低的速度搅拌,直至面粉完全掺入。
4) Increase the speed to medium high and kneed the dough for about 5 to 7 minutes or until it is nice and smooth and pulls away from the sides of the bowl. 提高转速到中高,揉面团约5至7分钟,或直至光滑。
5) Lightly grease a bowl with some olive oil and set aside. 稍微在大碗里头抹些许橄榄油。
6) Once the dough is nice and smooth, form into a ball and place it seam side down in the oiled bowl and grease the top and sides of the dough with a little oil as well. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it somewhere warm for about an hour or until it has almost doubled in size. 把面团揉成一个球,用少许油涂在面团的顶部和侧面,用保鲜膜封着,把它放较暖和的地方了约一个小时或直到它几乎大一倍。
7) Dump the dough onto your work surface, (flour it a little if necessary) and deflate it. Cut the dough into 12 equal pieces. 将面团分成12等份。
8) Cover the dough pieces with a kitchen towel as you work with one piece at a time. 分好的面团用干净的布覆盖着。
9) Lightly grease a 9X13” baking dish with either butter or cooking spray and set aside. 预留一9X13“烤盘,稍微抹上一层油。
10) Take each piece of dough and roll it in a smooth ball, place the ball seam side down in the greased baking dish, cover the baking dish with a kitchen towel so that the formed buns won’t dry out. 把面团揉成一个小圆球,放在烤盘上。等所有的面团都揉好了,用干净的布覆盖着以免表皮变干。
11) Once you have all the rolls in the baking dish, cover them with plastic wrap and allow them to sit in a nice warm place for about an hour or until they are about one and half times bigger than the original size. 保鲜膜封着,把它放在较暖和的地方直到大约比原来的尺寸大一倍半。
12) Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 375 degrees and position one of the oven racks into the center of the oven. 同时,烤箱预热至375度。
13) Once the rolls have risen, bake them for about 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Brush them with melted butter immediately when they come out of the oven and enjoy! 烤约20〜25分钟或至金黄色,用融化的牛油刷面包的表层。享受香喷喷的面包吧!
Note: 温度为Fahrenheit华氏
¼ oz Package of Rapid Rise Yeast, ¼安士包装酵母1/3 cup of Granulated Sugar,1/3杯砂糖1 tsp of Salt ,1茶匙盐1 cup of Milk, slightly warm,1杯微温牛奶
1/3 cup of Unsalted Butter, Softened ,1/3杯软化的无盐牛油
3 Egg Yolks,3个蛋黄3 Tbsp of Unsalted Butter, melted,3汤匙融化无盐牛油
1) In a small saucepan, add the milk and butter and warm it just enough until the butter melts (use a candy thermometer to make sure the mixture reaches 120 Fahrenheit degrees.) 在一个小锅里,加入牛奶和牛油,温度刚好够把牛油融化即可(使用糖果温度计,以确保混合物达到120华氏温度)。
2) In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a dough hook, add the warm butter and milk mixture and sprinkle the yeast over the top. Let it sit for 5 minutes. 在装有面团钩的站立搅拌机,倒入温热的混合牛奶和牛油。撒上酵母在上面,大概等5分钟。
3) To the yeast mixture, add the flour, sugar, egg yolks and salt and mix with the speed on low just until the flour is incorporated. 加入面粉,糖,蛋黄和盐,并与低的速度搅拌,直至面粉完全掺入。
4) Increase the speed to medium high and kneed the dough for about 5 to 7 minutes or until it is nice and smooth and pulls away from the sides of the bowl. 提高转速到中高,揉面团约5至7分钟,或直至光滑。
5) Lightly grease a bowl with some olive oil and set aside. 稍微在大碗里头抹些许橄榄油。
6) Once the dough is nice and smooth, form into a ball and place it seam side down in the oiled bowl and grease the top and sides of the dough with a little oil as well. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it somewhere warm for about an hour or until it has almost doubled in size. 把面团揉成一个球,用少许油涂在面团的顶部和侧面,用保鲜膜封着,把它放较暖和的地方了约一个小时或直到它几乎大一倍。
7) Dump the dough onto your work surface, (flour it a little if necessary) and deflate it. Cut the dough into 12 equal pieces. 将面团分成12等份。
8) Cover the dough pieces with a kitchen towel as you work with one piece at a time. 分好的面团用干净的布覆盖着。
9) Lightly grease a 9X13” baking dish with either butter or cooking spray and set aside. 预留一9X13“烤盘,稍微抹上一层油。
10) Take each piece of dough and roll it in a smooth ball, place the ball seam side down in the greased baking dish, cover the baking dish with a kitchen towel so that the formed buns won’t dry out. 把面团揉成一个小圆球,放在烤盘上。等所有的面团都揉好了,用干净的布覆盖着以免表皮变干。
11) Once you have all the rolls in the baking dish, cover them with plastic wrap and allow them to sit in a nice warm place for about an hour or until they are about one and half times bigger than the original size. 保鲜膜封着,把它放在较暖和的地方直到大约比原来的尺寸大一倍半。
12) Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 375 degrees and position one of the oven racks into the center of the oven. 同时,烤箱预热至375度。
13) Once the rolls have risen, bake them for about 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Brush them with melted butter immediately when they come out of the oven and enjoy! 烤约20〜25分钟或至金黄色,用融化的牛油刷面包的表层。享受香喷喷的面包吧!
Note: 温度为Fahrenheit华氏
Recipe By: Laura Vitale
Soi 19 Wanton Mee
Blk 151 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5
Coffee Shop
Singapore 560151
Sunday, March 22, 2009
很多男人都爱工作多于爱自己。周一至五不是在晚餐时间开会就是应酬,周末还要赶报告,完成平时累积下来的paper works。 一年三百六十五天都在工作中度过。 虽然在工作上我们应该尽力完成该做的事,但是如果完全的影响了生活品质,那也太说不过去了。曾听某人说过,nobody is indispensable.
不说他人,我家老公就是这样的一个人,我常被气得暴跳如雷。 计划中的周末外出或国外度假,往往被他突如其来的会议,紧急事件导致无法成行。虽说在拍拖期间他也是一向如此,结婚过后也没有改变。
不说他人,我家老公就是这样的一个人,我常被气得暴跳如雷。 计划中的周末外出或国外度假,往往被他突如其来的会议,紧急事件导致无法成行。虽说在拍拖期间他也是一向如此,结婚过后也没有改变。
Friday, October 31, 2008
合并之后Country Manager 说,半年后会升!
合并之后Country Manager 说,半年后会升!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Malaysia ~ Truly Asia
常在电视上看到这个广告,Malaysia ~ Truly Asia "The Time Is Now, The Place Is Malaysia"。趁着这次的长周末原本是要回老公的家乡“槟城”,但是由于时间上的不许可,所以不能成行。不过倒是能到一些邻近新加坡的地方如马六甲来个两天一夜游。
虽然我是马来西亚人,但是有许多的地方却没有真正的到过。说到马六甲,其实非常惭愧。 因为我到目前为止都没有真真正正的看过走过这个城市。所以这一次我们一行十来人三部车子一起出发,来个短暂的马六甲假期。
虽然我是马来西亚人,但是有许多的地方却没有真正的到过。说到马六甲,其实非常惭愧。 因为我到目前为止都没有真真正正的看过走过这个城市。所以这一次我们一行十来人三部车子一起出发,来个短暂的马六甲假期。
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
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